For some reason a large percentage of our clients come into their BDB experience believing that they are doing something amazing for their dog by giving them free reign of the house and yard - that somehow all of that “freedom” makes the dog more happy (and freedom is in quotes bc there is nothing “free” about the walls in your house and the fence in your yard).
Yet, we continue to get paid to rehab dogs that had “total freedom” (physical freedom and freedom of choice). I wonder why? If more freedom = more happiness, then why are these dogs so anxious, fearful, hyperactive, aggressive, etc?
And why are so many extremely wealthy people so unhappy? They have the most freedom - physical freedom and freedom of choice.
Now, I’m NOT saying that constant confinement creates happiness. That would be just as ludicrous to believe.
But, what is indisputable is that order, structure, safety, consistency, clarity, purpose, affection, fun, play, and exploration does make for a happy person, happy relationships, and happy dogs! And crates help us create order, structure, safety, consistency, and clarity.
Honoring every species for who they are is important. Dogs are canids. And canids are den animals. It’s important to honor that.
On top of that, we put our infants and toddlers in cribs and supervise them constantly because they don’t yet know how to navigate the world and will definitely do something that isn’t good for them. It’s a health/safety RISK to leave kids unattended and not in a crib at night. Hmmm...
And ON TOP OF THAT - your dog is going to HAVE to be in a crate at some point. It’s a skill they need to have! What do you think happens at the vet when the doctor is done? What do you think happens at the groomer when the groomer is done? What do you think happens at most boarding/daycare facilities when play time is over? In each of those cases the dogs are confined to small spaces!
Why would you set your dog up to be miserable in all of those circumstances? My son loves his crib. I love my room. I’m assuming you love yours too. Give your dog that same experience. ❤️