The first component to a solid relationship with your dog or your partner or your boss or your kids is to – UNDERSTAND the other being as best you can. The more you understand how they function and how they communicate, the better your relationship will be. The second component to having a great relationship with your dog is understanding and teaching proper BEHAVIOR. Behavior is the act of BEING. Sitting still and being quiet is a life skill we all need to navigate this world. The next piece of the formula is TRAINING. Training is teaching your dog to DO things. But it’s incredibly hard to teach a overstimulated, anxious, fearful, aggressive, or obsessive dog to do anything. And the last component to a solid relationship is MANAGEMENT. A leash, a crate, a muzzle, distance, etc are all forms of management. And there is nothing wrong with any of it. Just know that the more proficient you are with the first 3 components, the less management you’ll need. Good luck!