Knowing how to DO things does not make a dog balanced or happy. I can’t tell you how many dogs we’ve had to rehabilitate who’s “obedience” was WAY better than my own dogs. We’ve also trained dogs that had a trick catalog 30 deep!
Obedience and tricks aren’t a problem. They are awesome! But to us they are only fun and effective if the dog performing them is also instinctually fulfilled and well-behaved! I’m tired of re-training and rehabbing dogs that other trainers simply taught to DO things but never dealt with the root cause of the symptoms.
“Leave it” isn’t going to fix aggression. Sorry. “Down” isn’t going to fix anxiety. After 4-5 trainers failing these dogs, something “magical” happens here. They change. But why? Because we follow the rules Mother Nature has given us. That simple. ❤️