Your personal convenience can not be the bar by which you judge how “good” your dog is.
Your dog is “good” when they are fulfilled, safe, content, balanced, peaceful, social, soft, obedient, and living in harmony with his/her family.
The reason so many small dogs are imbalanced is because it’s more CONVENIENT for the human to just pick them up and remove them from a situation than it is to actually teach the dog necessary life skills.
If it’s not ok for an 80 lbs Pit Bull, Rottweiler, or German Shepherd to do something, then it’s not ok for your “teacup whatever” to do it either.
Your dog’s happiness has to come before your own convenience.
(Disclaimer: Save the drama for the llama. We currently have a chihuahua in our pack and we will always have small dogs. We also know that there are a ton of fantastic small dog owners! 😁🤪)